Stores a decimal-numeric representation of the hexadecimal file download link extension. The purpose of the extra fields are also unknown. The reason for this difference is currently unknown, but speculated that files with more fields are either larger or newer files. Most file have only 8 fields, but in semi-rare cases, a file can have up to 20 fields. Each field is a decimal number field, and can only hold a value from −2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. The fields following the filepath represent different pieces of information on the file. NFO400 represents the current game code for Combat arms, which is 400.Įach line following the header represents a file or filepath found within the Combat Arms root folder.

The header of the file should always read " NFO400 DO NOT edit this line manually".
Combat arms hacks dll Patch#
For example, the June 2012 patch file information for SvS can be found at:.Files.nfo2 can typically found in the PatchData_XXXX.XX Folder as follows: